Appliances are the unsung heroes of our homes, making our daily household tasks happen with just the touch of a button or two. In the hustle and bustle of daily life, it’s easy to forget they need some attention too. Not to mention, many of us are completely unaware they need regular maintenance at all!

But don’t worry — if you implement these regular maintenance tasks into your routine, you can help prolong the lifespan of your appliances and contribute to a healthier and more efficient living environment.

From the kitchen to the laundry room, here is your comprehensive guide for keeping your household appliances healthy and clean!



Refrigerator Maintenance You Should Be Doing on a Regular Basis

Your refrigerator is the heartbeat of the kitchen, consistently keeping your food fresh. While it’s easy to see when it needs to be wiped clean, there are some hidden areas that need attention on a regular basis.

To maintain your refrigerator’s efficiency:

  • Clean the condenser coils every six months to ensure optimal cooling. Here’s how!

  • Check and replace water filters regularly to preserve water and ice quality.

  • Defrost the freezer when ice buildup exceeds 1/4 inch to maintain energy efficiency. Here’s how!


Oven and Stove

Oven and Stove Maintenance You Should Be Doing on a Regular Basis

Cooking appliances endure a fair share of spills and splatters. And it’s easy to let months go by without giving them a thorough cleaning — inside and out.

Keep your oven and stove in top shape by:

  • Running a self-cleaning cycle on the oven, following the manufacturer’s guidelines.

  • Wiping down stovetop burners and grates regularly to prevent grease buildup.

  • Inspecting and replacing oven seals to ensure proper temperature control.



Dishwasher Maintenance You Should Be Doing on a Regular Basis

The dishwasher is a time-saving gem, but neglecting its maintenance can lead to inefficiency and unpleasant odors. Not to mention, bacteria can build up, which eventually can make its way to your dishes, which you eat off of!

Give your dishwasher a regular washing by:

  • Cleaning the filter and spray arm monthly to prevent clogs. Here’s how!

  • Running an empty dishwasher with a cup of white vinegar to eliminate odors and mineral deposits.

  • Inspecting the door gasket for signs of wear and tear, replacing if necessary.



Microwave Maintenance You Should Be Doing on a Regular Basis

Microwaves make reheating a breeze, but spills and splatters are inevitable. And you’ll want to keep it clean and free of bacteria to protect your food!

Keep your microwave squeaky clean by:

  • Wiping down the interior regularly and cleaning the turntable and microwave vents.

  • Placing a microwave-safe bowl with water and lemon slices inside, then heating for a few minutes to eliminate odors — and making the wipe-down process much easier.


Washing Machine

Washing Machine Maintenance You Should Be Doing on a Regular Basis

They help clothes get fresh and clean, but the washing machine needs a little cleaning every once in a while too. They can easily collect pet hair, human hair and other debris in hard-to-see places.

To get the grime out of your washing machine:

  • Run a cleaning cycle with hot water and vinegar to remove detergent residue.

  • Check hoses for leaks and replace them every five years to prevent water damage.

  • Wipe the drum and door gasket regularly to prevent mold and mildew growth.



Dryer Maintenance You Should Be Doing on a Regular Basis

Efficient drying depends on a well-maintained dryer. It’s not enough to simply remove lint from the filter each time! You’ll need to do a few other tasks on a regular basis.

Keep your dryer running smoothly by:

  • Cleaning the lint trap after every use to prevent fire hazards.

  • Inspecting and cleaning the dryer vent annually to enhance airflow. Here’s how!

  • Checking the drum for loose items, buttons, or zippers that can cause damage.


Be Proactive, Not Reactive!

When it comes to household maintenance, it’s always best to be proactive and stay on top of things, to prevent any unplanned issues from arising. By incorporating these routine maintenance tasks into your household chores, you’ll not only extend the life of your appliances but also ensure they operate at peak efficiency.

A well-maintained home is a happy home, and taking care of your appliances is a small yet impactful way to contribute to the harmony of your living space. So, roll up your sleeves, grab your cleaning supplies, and let’s keep those appliances humming with joy!